Freelancer: ernestmcr
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Letterhead and Footer

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language. I designed to you a custom Header and footer for a document using the ADDITIVE AI brand elements. Obviously, some data and text are fictitious. These may be adjust to changes you want. I hope you like it.

Participación en el concurso Nro.47 para                                                 Need a custom designed Header and footer for a document using my company logo
Participación Nro. 47

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • Peanut1000000
    Organizador del concurso
    • 4 años atrás

    Hi Ernesto, I really like your entry #47 . you mentioned in your description that I can edit the text. what software will I be able to do this with? thanks

    • 4 años atrás