5 Pinterest Techniques for Your Business

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The ubiquitous nature of social media has allowed many individuals and organizations to establish their online presence. When it comes to boosting your brand on social media, popular platforms like Facebook and Twitter immediately come to mind, and platforms like Pinterest don’t really seem to be the right one to use for sharing content. 

Though content is “king” in terms of marketing, a lot of businesses are also starting to leverage visual content. A key component of brand marketing and brand content is connecting with your target audience by influencing the platforms they frequent and doing it in a more visceral way. After all, content marketing is a visual realm, and Pinterest is the perfect platform for generating traffic by allowing users to share and save content to virtual collections—also called “boards.” 

If you’re looking for fresh and savvy ways to increase your brand recognition, here are 5 simple ways to make Pinterest work for your business:

1. Get a Pinterest account. 

The first step is to create a business account on Pinterest to feature your content—whether they’re products, services, special events, or corporate philosophies. Be sure to use your brand’s visual ID on your Pinterest account. Don’t forget to use relevant keywords in your profile’s “About” section to help your audience identity you. Make sure to synch your Pinterest account to your website and other social media sites to cross-promote your pins and boards. 

2. Start creating your boards.

Pinterest requires you to think visually. Optimize diverse boards and create pins to display and promote a board of attractive images. Don’t forget to include your pin descriptions and add useful keywords so people can easily find you when they search for relevant terms. It also helps to be descriptive with your pins and boards so your audience can get a feel for your content. 

3. Pin infographics and videos.

Besides sharing images and stunning photographs, use infographics and videos to increase engagement and follower numbers on Pinterest. Since Pinterest is mostly visual and image-based, videos and educational images are the perfect solution. You can find several helpful tools online to get started. 

4. Know your audience and competition.

Do some research about your audience to understand them better in terms of what types of boards they are most interested in. With all that information, you’d be able to create more relatable boards that your audience can share with their friends and followers. Likewise, check out your competition to get a different perspective when it comes to gaining followers and getting more leads. 

5. Diversify to engage.

Your pins don’t necessarily have to be always about your business. Try featuring interesting pins that show another side of your business. Something like using unconventional recipes for someone looking for the best mixing bowl—for audiences who are into improving their kitchen skills. This creative spin will allow your audience to appreciate your products through helpful tips, useful advice, and creative ideas. Additionally, spend some time engaging if you want to connect with your audience. Liking, commenting, and pinning regularly can help build your presence as well as increase your brand’s credibility.

Remember, your Pinterest account should be able to inspire and show your audience the best of what your company can visually represent. After all, a picture is still worth a thousand words. Happy pinning!  

Publicado 3 septiembre, 2015

Angela Gaddi

Freelance Writer

Angela writes about IT security, privacy, free speech, politics, social media, and the intersection of business and consumer tech. Has a special aptitude for privacy, cult literature, film noir.

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