Freelancer: RuslanDrake
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Pryan v1

Hello! i've decided to modify your sketch, since you ask for b&w version. Two eyes of horus is also reversed letter P (if you look closely) and letter R. I've also included a little pyramid between two symbols. Please share your thoughts, together we can improve it to the version you need!

Participación en el concurso Nro.16 para                                                 Design a brand's Logo
Participación Nro. 16

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  • rnlproductions
    Organizador del concurso
    • 9 años atrás

    Hey man, they really are feeling your design, can you make it without the street apparel on the bottom and keep the white background but instead of it being filled in and you just have the image outlined? also, take the red out.

    • 9 años atrás