Freelancer: Aliyoussef47
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Website Explorer

hi there, I mixed 5 videos when I explored 5 sites, I put chilling music I know that you don't want music in the video, but I put chilling music to make the video very fun. I am so sorry for the quality I have HD one, but I tried to give you a sample with the medium quality I hope that you like it. Cheers

Participación Nro. 12

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  • thaprof112
    Organizador del concurso
    • 1 año atrás

    Thanks for participating. The video is not stable and keeps shaking. The reflection of your camera flash on the screen is bad, the environment is not bright enough and the website URL in the address bar isn't zoomed in enough to clearly read it. No sound or audio required.

    • 1 año atrás